Vote no on Ann Arbor Proposal D

Vote NO on Ann Arbor Proposal D

Did you know that this proposal was found to violate state law by Attorney General Dana Nessel? If passed, it would cause resource-intensive litigation.

Local conservatives want to use taxpayer dollars to fund fringe political campaigns. This proposal:

Now more than ever, we must allocate city funds wisely. Prevent wasteful spending. OPPOSE A2 Prop D.

What's at Stake?

The proposed funding model deviates from established norms, increasing the potential for exploitation and misuse. It enables candidates with extreme views and controversial ideologies to propagate offensive speech, ultimately diverting tax revenue from essential public services and social initiatives.

Learn more about what's at stake and the services you could lose here.

Our Coalition

Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility is proud to have the support of a broad coalition of Democrats committed to ensuring the responsible use of taxpayer and general fund dollars.

Meet our coalition of community organizations, current and former elected leaders, and community members here.

Don't let your tax dollars fund fringe, extremist political campaigns with no safeguards or regulations.
Oppose Ann Arbor Prop D.Â